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NBRA 04/05/2023

The National Body Repair Association (NBRA) will be holding its annual event The Greener Bodyshop Awards on 14 September at Alton Towers, Staffordshire.

Chris Weeks, Executive Director of the NBRA, said:

“Following the success of the past years events, we are thrilled to once again host The Greener Bodyshop Awards.
This year the event will be held in an even more exciting venue: Alton Towers!
We look forward to an evening of celebration that will bring together vehicle body repairers who are committed to make a change in the industry and reducing their impact on the environment.”

“Just last week, our event was awarded “Best Green Initiative” at the Modern Insurance Magazine’s Modern Claim Awards. We are delighted to see that our initiative has had an impact on the industry and demostrated that there is a future in creating a greener environment for bodyshops.”

“We look forward to celebrating and recognizing who has gone green this year, so if you’d like to join us on this journey to a cleaner, greener future, please remember to keep Thursday, 14 September, free, for the next Greener Bodyshop Awards!”

In the coming weeks, NBRA will release additional announcement on awards categories and tickets. If you are interested in sponsoring the event or would like to reserve your tickets in advance, please email

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About the RMI

The Retail Motor Industry represents the interests of operators in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man providing sales and services to motorists and businesses. The RMI has a formal association with the independent Scottish Motor Trade Association which represents the retail motor industry in Scotland.