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NMDA 10/01/2023


There are plenty of positives to take away from 2022. Trading figures reveals market growth year on year which is pleasing to see against the backdrop of broader economic and political instability. The electric market is also gaining momentum and bodes opportunities for retailers if a steady supply of electric power two wheelers can be produced,” said Symon Cook, Head of NMDA, commenting on the latest MCIA new registration figures.

Overall, in 2022 MCIA registration figures reveals an increase of 1.9% year-on-year, from 114,371 units in 2021, to 116,534 total units in 2022. December experienced a fall of -1% from 5,988 units to 5,926.

The highest registering style was the scooter PTWs with 26,895 on the road, the highest growth year-on-year was in the moped category at 27.9%.

The electric Power Two-Wheeler (ePTW) market in 2022 has experienced an 8.3% increase in total registrations, although the figures for December recorded a fall of -3.6%.

The Honda PCX 125 retains its position as the most successful PTW vehicle registering 263 new units in December, aiding Honda to continue highest registering franchise with 1,276 new bike sales. units.

Symon Cook added: “Whilst motorcycle sales figures have experienced consecutive falls in registrations, including December, this is to be expected as they are typically quieter trading months. Going forward, NMDA Members are optimistic that 2023 will present more opportunities, particularly if component shortages start to ease.”




Adam Weeks, NMDA Communications Officer

Direct: 020 7307 3413

Mobile: 0788 003 9897


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About the RMI

The Retail Motor Industry represents the interests of operators in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man providing sales and services to motorists and businesses. The RMI has a formal association with the independent Scottish Motor Trade Association which represents the retail motor industry in Scotland.